1. Phix:optional/named Parameter inside a class unexpected behavior?


from my Point of view there is an unexpected behavior using named Parameter inside a class.

To make this clear i wrote some example-code:

--optional/named Parameter 
--Phix 1.0.4 64bit Win10 
    function adc(integer x,integer y) 
    return x+y 
    end function 
?adc       -- unexpected result no crash/why? 
--?adc()       -- crash with missing parameters expected 
?adc(2,2)  -- works 
--?adc(x:=2) -- crash expected 
    function add(integer x=1,integer y=1) 
    return x+y 
    end function 
?add       -- unexpected result no crash/why? 
?add()     -- works 
?add(2,2)  -- works 
?add(x:=2) -- works 
class two 
    function add(integer x=1,integer y=1) 
    return x+y 
    end function 
end class 
two addfunc=new() 
?addfunc.add   --unexpected result no crash/why? 
?addfunc.add() --works 
?addfunc.add(2,2) --works 
--?addfunc.add(x:=2) --crash with undefined identifier x unexpected 

Thank you

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2. Re: Phix:optional/named Parameter inside a class unexpected behavior?

andreasWagner said...
?adc       -- unexpected result no crash/why? 

routines became first-class in 0.8.2 (I think), so the absense of a following '(', which would obviously make it an invocation of that routine, makes it equivalent to [?]routine_id("adc").
Likewise, <int>(x,y) became equivalent (depending on context) to call_func/proc(<int>,{x,y}), and, before you ask, there'll never be named parameter support on that.
(well, I suppose I am already half-planning some rather radical rewrites for 2.0, so never say never...)

andreasWagner said...
class two 
    function add(integer x=1,integer y=1) 
        return x+y 
    end function 
end class 
--?addfunc.add(x:=2) --crash with undefined identifier x unexpected 

Erm/ah, named parameters on class methods is probably just something I have simply never even tried. Might take me a while to figure out a fix for that.
It may well be too tied in to the aformentioned call_func/proc() mods, and simply prove impractical (at least, as above, pre-2.0, which is probably at least two or three years away).

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3. Re: Phix:optional/named Parameter inside a class unexpected behavior?

Thank you for your effort. That makes the whole thing clear, and the results are no longer unexpected.
In the meantime, I have also found the reference in the documentation, at least for routine_id.
Semi-deprecated, since 0.8.2. http://phix.x10.mx/docs/html/routine_id.htm
If you can read, you have a clear advantageblink

Thanks for the continuous work on Phix, Phix is fun.

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