Re: Exercism maintainers

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irv said...

Went thru all the hassle of signing up, (far more work than signing up for on-line banking for some reason)

For a bank, you're a paying customer, and if something is too hard folks will take their business elsewhere.

You get what you pay for I guess..

irv said...

just to find out that it is apparently useless. 404, and Euphoria is not listed among the languages available. But that's ok, it's only been a few years.... give 'em time.

Actually, if you were interested, this is something to reach out to Bruce. He should be able to resolve this for you, if you were interested in moving forward.

irv said...

Instead, let's try one which is listed: C.

And the whole world shuttered.

irv said...

OK, change the message to "Hello, world!" and it fails, even though there is nothing wrong with the code or the program.

Expected 'Hello, World!' Was 'Hello, world!' 

How is this going to help anyone who is trying to learn a programming language?

While not helping with the language directly, it's an important lesson. This is known as a brittle unit test.

This is an important concept that I wish more professional senior software developers knew about, nevermind coding newbies.

irv said...

I'll bet half the people who try it just laugh at that point and go elsewhere.

My take is that it provides a platform to experiment on. Turn code into a malleable toy like Play Doh. But it runs on their system so you can just close your browser and your computer is clean.

Also, by trying to tell you what went wrong, at least it's exposing newbies to the real error messages that professional devs will see.

irv said...

And yeah, I know it is just a test to see how well "you vill follow orders!" Bunch of control freaks, apparently,

I imagine that for the Euphoria track, this is something we can have Bruce sort out (to use "Hello, world" as the grammatically correct standard instead of "Hellow, World").

irv said...

given how much trouble it is to even sign up.

My understanding is that Exercism went with the way that was easier for them - defer everything - for free (beer) - to the M$ owned Github.

Perhaps it's not the best, but it's not like we're paying them to do better by runing their own user database on their own server or something.

Again, you get what you pay for, I guess..

irv said...

Way too much crap to go thru, not worth my time.

I ... don't know what to tell you. This is what I've had to put up with for the last decade as a professional senior dev. I mean, unit tests.

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